Tuesday 29 October 2013

Hi guys!

Hey guys!

Hope you're all well.

Well I've had an absolutely mad couple of weeks between family members in hospital, ill children and being ill myself I cant say I'm not relieved its all over! My husband is on the mend and home now thankfully, after an operation to remove his appendix. He's a bit tender but at least he isn't in as much pain as he was before which is always good!

all that aside I am trying to get more focused on what I'm wanting to do in the new year. A few years ago I took part in a  fashion design course. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this although the theory was boring  at times the actual dressmaking part is what took my fancy. Looking in to starting my own small business so we shall see how that takes  off but I think I'll take a refresher course to get back into the swing of things first off as I'm a bit out of practice haha. Bought a new sketch pad, pencils and a few other bits and bobs so I can  get back into it! so we shall see how that goes in the new year. :)

Modelling wise I have a new sponsor who will I will be posting about in the near future to review some clothing ect, keep your eyes peeled!! :) hehe

but I think that's all from me for today so keep an eye out and i'll be posting tomorrow with some halloween related pics :) hehe

stay sexy!!

CC x

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