So a couple days ago, I saw a spider hiding in a clothes peg on my washing line. I thought nothing of this until today. There's been a lot of speculation to whether or not they are harmless. I've heard mixed stories... Yes they have been in the country longer than any of us alive today. The heat in the country ha caused them to reproduce but have mainly been spotted multiplying in the north of England. Now... I'm not saying that they are or arent harmless because to be honest I honestly don't know.
So I saw the spider was still there today I went out and had so look at it, and low and behold is a bloody spider with the same body structure and markings as the false widow spider, so I phoned the SPCA to see what I should do. They told me to phone the council and they'll deal with it. So I did this and a guy from the environmental services came to take the spider away. We caught it in a jar before her got there. But later on he arrived and found a further 3 spiders on my washing line. So took those as well.
I still do not know what the spiders are and am concerned there may be a nest in my garden.... Where my son plays.... Eeek! =| I'm more concerned for my children's sake than anything as do not want to put them at any risk. Here are some pictures... Let me know what you guys think. It'd be interesting to get some different views.
First photo - spider in wooden clothes peg... Look closely in between the gap at bottom on the pole.
Second photo - spider in jar.
Creepy huh?
CC x